25 Aug 2024
Leaf Analysis

Evaluation of the usefulness of early leaf analysis to improve nutrition management of citrus

The response of Citrus sinensis ‘Midknight’ (Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa) and Citrus paradisi ‘Orri’ (De Wet, Western Cape, South Africa) to excessive fertilisation (double the normal rate) with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) was investigated. The goal was to determine whether early-season leaf mineral compositions respond to fertilisation rates so that in-season adjustments of the fertilisation programme can be made.


23 Jun 2022
Foliar Fertilizer

Properly Timing Foliar-applied Fertilizers Increases Efficacy: A Review and Update on Timing Foliar Nutrient Applications to Citrus and Avocado

Foliar fertilization efficiently meets the nutrient demand of tree fruit crops during periods when soil conditions (low or high temperatures, low or excess soil moisture, pH, salinity) render soil-applied fertilizers ineffective, when nutrients (e.g., phosphate, potassium, and trace elements) become fixed in the soil, and when tree nutrient demand is high. Applying nutrients directly to leaves ensures that the metabolic machinery of the tree is not compromised by low availability of an essential nutrient. It should be noted that phloem mobile nutrients applied to the foliage are translocated to all tree parts, even feeder roots.


31 Mar 2019
Citrus Juice

Modulation in yield and juice quality characteristics of citrus fruit from trees supplied with zinc and potassium foliarly

M. Yasin Ashraf, F. Hussain, J. Akhter
Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan
M. Ashraf
Department of Botany, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Botany and Microbiology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
G. Ebert
Agricultural Advisory Department, K+S KALI GmbH, Kassel, Germany

Citrus is the largest fruit crop grown in Pakistan and Kinnow is the major planted species. About 94% of the total citrus is produced in the Punjab province (Sharif et al., 2005). Macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies have been reported in citrus orchards of Punjab (Rashid et al., 1994). These deficiencies are usually recognized by distinctive symptoms that appear on the leaves and sometimes on fruits, branches or general growth of the tree (Ibrahim et al., 2007).


06 Nov 2018

Potassium Affects Citrus Tree Performance

Y. Erner, B. Artzi, E. Tagari and M. Hamou
The Volcani Center, Institute of Horticulture, Department of Fruit Trees, Israel

Potassium plays a critical role in citrus trees and it affects many phenomena, both visible and invisible. The requirement for K in trees is next to that for nitrogen and ranges from 0.5 to 2% of dry matter. Adequate yield, for the fresh fruit market can be achieved only when the level of K is in the optimum range.