25 Aug 2024
Leaf Analysis

Evaluation of the usefulness of early leaf analysis to improve nutrition management of citrus

The response of Citrus sinensis ‘Midknight’ (Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa) and Citrus paradisi ‘Orri’ (De Wet, Western Cape, South Africa) to excessive fertilisation (double the normal rate) with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) was investigated. The goal was to determine whether early-season leaf mineral compositions respond to fertilisation rates so that in-season adjustments of the fertilisation programme can be made.


18 Nov 2021
Response of Young and Maturing Citrus

Response of Young and Maturing Citrus Trees Grown on a Sandy Soil to Irrigation Scheduling, Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate, and Nitrogen Application Method

This study examined the effect of irrigation rates, nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates, and methods of applying N on growth and productivity of young (3 to 5 years old) and maturing (8 to 10 years old) citrus trees. A long-term study was conducted with the following objectives: 1) to measure the main effects of N rate, N application method, and irrigation on citrus tree growth and production from planting to maturity; 2) to establish growth and production relationships for long-term N rates and irrigation on well-drained sandy Entisols; and 3) to determine the effect of split fertilizer applications at two soil moisture regimes on citrus growth and production for two tree age classes as trees mature.


29 Jun 2020
Citrus Rehabilitation from HLB

Rehabilitation of HLB infected citrus trees using severe pruning and nutritional sprays.

Citrus trees infected with Huanglongbing (HLB) bacteria become weak and develop dieback, resulting in lost production. These trees eventually decline to a production level that is not economical to maintain in a citrus operation. Sixteen-year-old ‘Valencia’ (Citrus sinensis Macf.) orange trees on Swingle citrumelo rootstock [C. paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.], 100% infected with HLB, in decline and losing production, were severely pruned (buckhorned) to stimulate regrowth and the new flush treated with foliar nutritional sprays. Nutritional sprays included the “Boyd cocktail” and two other nutrient treatments that contained phosphites plus nickel and cobalt. Heavily pruned trees and unpruned standard control trees were compared for shoot growth and canopy development.


26 Apr 2018
Citrus Fruit Quality

Irrigation, Nutrition, and Citrus Fruit Quality

Mongi Zekri
Thomas A. Obreza,
Robert Koo
UF | IFAS Extention
University of Florida

Florida has the highest citrus fruit quality standards in the world. The most important quality factors for Florida citrus growers, production managers, processors, and packers include fruit juice content, soluble solids and acid concentrations, soluble solids-acid ratio, fruit size, and color. Florida citrus growers discern between quality factors for the fresh and processing markets. For example, fruit size, shape, color, and maturity date are most important for fresh fruit, but high juice content and soluble solids are desired for processing fruit.READ MORE